The Hermitage and the Spring of St. Świerad in Tropie is a place connected with the figure of St. Świerad, who was born around the year 980 in a peasant family in Małopolska and chose a hermit's life, aspiring to achieve higher spiritual perfection. He settled in the forests near the Dunajec River, in the vicinity of present-day Tropie. There, he devoted his time to prayer, penance, and working in the forest. The locality was later named "Sanctus Swiradus," which survived until the 15th century.
Later, St. Świerad went to Slovakia, to Nitra, and chose a monastic life among the Benedictines on Mount Zobor. His hermitage remained there in a rocky cave, where he lived with the monk Benedict.
The Hermitage of St. Świerad is located in the forest, about 800 meters from the church in Tropie. It is a picturesque place with a small hill, overlooking the valley, amidst old trees and forest undergrowth. The hermitage is a hollow in a massive rock, to which a chapel with an altar was added in the 18th century. Nearby, there is a spring with crystal-clear water, adorned with a stone figure of St. Świerad sitting in the cave and immersed in contemplation.
This place is historical and connected with the life and activities of St. Świerad, and it is also known for its spiritual atmosphere. It serves as an important pilgrimage site for the faithful who venerate the memory of this holy hermit.